I feel somewhat vindicated by a recent order of the Supreme Court, which confirms my opinion that In re Estate of Briskman, 808 A.2d 928, 2002 PA Super 287 (2002), was wrongly decided. In Briskman, the Superior Court found that … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Standing
The executor of a deceased trustee’s estate has sufficient standing to survive preliminary objections to a petition requesting records of charitable trusts when the executor has alleged (a) that the deceased trustee may have been entitled to compensation from the … Continue reading
The Commonwealth Court has affirmed a decision of the Orphans’ Court of Montgomery County that a donor to a foundation lacks standing to enforce the conditions of a loan made by the foundation to a church when there was no … Continue reading
A beneficiary’s court-ordered child support arrearage should be paid from the estate, notwithstanding the spendthift clause in the will, and the children’s mother had no standing to object to the administration of the estate or seek removal of the executor. … Continue reading
Preliminary objections upheld, because a party who has been held to lack standing to contest a will also lacks standing to claim an interest in estate assets. Ciuccarelli Estate, 4 Fid.Rep.3d 335 (O.C. Phila. 5/21/2014), aff’d 1251 EDA 2014 (Pa.Super. … Continue reading
Foster parents lack standing in petition to terminate parental rights, because §2512 of the Adoption Act does not list foster parents as parties that may file a petition to terminate parental rights. However, under §6336.1 of the Juvenile Act, foster … Continue reading
Appointment of administrator pro tem denied, when conflict of interest, which might incapacitate the executor, was steps taken to defend the will against a contest, which the executor had standing to do (even though without any personal interest under the … Continue reading
Niece and nephew of deceased settlor failed to show that they were beneficiaries of a trust, or that the settlor’s lawyer had been appointed to serve as a trustee, and so they had no standing to compel an accounting from … Continue reading
Daughter who had been disinherited by the principal did not have standing to object to the account of the agent for the principal who was living, was not alleged to be incapacitated, and filed an affidavit in support of the … Continue reading
Petitioner was the daughter of the settlor of an irrevocable trust but lacked standing to petition for an account because she was not a beneficiary once the settlor exercised her power of appointment over the trust. Simon Trust, 3 Fid. … Continue reading