HTML Version Copyright 1995- Daniel B. Evans. All rights reserved. (Current through December 2025) Under sections 806 and 806.1 of the Fiscal Code (72 P.S. §§ 806 and 806.1), all underpayments of tax which became due and payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania … Continue reading
Category Archives: Resource Types
In a will contest for undue influence, the court found that the testator did not have a weakened intellect, meaning a prima facia claim of undue influence fails. Also, the court rejected an amendment to the petition for appeal from the … Continue reading
The court in a will contest for undue influence held that the widow of decedent lacked standing to compel an account from the decedent’s agent under power of attorney, because only the principal or the executor of the principal’s estate … Continue reading
Surviving wife held to be sole intestate heir of decedent despite being separated for more than one year, because the court held she did not willfully neglect or maliciously desert. Bortz Estate, 2 Fid. Rep. 3d 342 (O.C. Westm. 2012) … Continue reading
Court denied petition of guardian for sale of 43 acres after son opposed sale, because (i) the Court already approved sale of second property with house and (ii) the 43 acres includes a cellphone tower lease for $1300 per month … Continue reading