The separation of the spouses, together with the extramarital affairs of both spouses, was sufficient to establish that the surviving spouse had “willfully and maliciously deserted” the deceased spouse and had forfeited an intestate share in accordance with 20 Pa.C.S. … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Malicious Desertion
Court found that spouse, who had elected against decedent’s estate, had not willfully and maliciously deserted decedent, because the spouse had been abused by decedent, meaning the spouse’s desertion was with cause, and she had not forfeited her right to … Continue reading
Surviving wife held to be sole intestate heir of decedent despite being separated for more than one year, because the court held she did not willfully neglect or maliciously desert. Bortz Estate, 2 Fid. Rep. 3d 342 (O.C. Westm. 2012) … Continue reading