Juniata and Perry Counties Local Rules

Juniata and Perry Counties have repealed their Orphans’ Court rules and adopted new rules, to be effective September 1, 2016 (the date the new Pennsylvania Orphans’ Court Rules become effective).  Repeal and Adoption of Rules of Orphans’ Court Procedure, No. 201601972 (Juniata Co. 5/31/16), 46 Pa.B. 3243 (6/25/16), No. 201603524 (Perry Co. 5/31/16), 46 Pa.B. 3250 (6/25/16).

Note:  It appears that these local rules have not yet been approved by the Pa. Orphans’ Court Procedural Rules Committee, as required by new Pa.O.C. Rule 1.5(e), and will not actually go into effect until they have been reviewed and approved. [Updated 6/30/16]

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