A beneficiary who is entitled to an annuity of $2,400 each year for life from a trust did not have have a “direct, immediate and substantial” interest in transactions reported in the trustee’s account covering a period during which the … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Standing
In action against agent, former beneficiary of retirement account had standing to object to change of beneficiary designation by agent. Because the action was against the agent individually, and not the decedent’s estate, the Dead Man’s Rule will not apply. … Continue reading
The children of the decedent, as intestate heirs, might not have standing to challenge the probate of a will when there is an earlier will that has not been challenged and which provides no benefit to the children. William E. … Continue reading
The beneficiaries of a revocable trust have no standing to object to investments made by the trustee during the settlor’s lifetime to which the settlor consented and approved because the duties of the trustee were owed exclusively to the settlor. … Continue reading
A beneficiary who is entitled to an annuity from a trust has standing to object to the account of the administration of the trust, to object to the division of the trust, to object to a new fee schedule for … Continue reading
Nephew who would have received half of estate under unsigned amendment to the decedent’s revocable trust, but instead of half of the estate, did not have standing in malpractice action against lawyers who prepared the trust amendment under Agnew v. … Continue reading
The denial of a petition for an agent to account is a final order which is appealable as of right. Although the petitioner was an intestate heir of the principal, she did not have standing to demand an accounting by … Continue reading
Decedent’s grandchildren, as 30% residuary beneficiaries under the will drafted by the defendant law firm, have standing to pursue a malpractice action against the law firm when the bulk of the decedent’s assets were in a “transfer on death” brokerage … Continue reading
The former wife of the income beneficiary of an irrevocable inter vivos qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) trust had no standing to object to the trustee’s failure to collect income of the trust even though (a) the former wife would … Continue reading
Maternal grandmother lacked standing to object to termination of mother’s parental rights even though grandmother had custody of children and would have standing in future adoption proceedings. Adoptions of S.W. and J.W., 7 Fid.Rep.3d 246 (Montgomery Co. O.C. 2017). … Continue reading