When objections are made to expenses claimed by an executor, the burden is on the executor to provide receipts or other evidence of the purpose and payment of the expenses, and the Orphans’ Court properly surcharged the executor for undocumented … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Executor commissions
The recent decision of the Supreme Court In re: Estate of William K. McAleer, 248 A.3d 416, ___ Pa. ____ (4/7/2021), is being widely discussed in the context of the extent to which the opinions and time records of the...
The compensation of a lawyer who served as administrator of the estate, submitted a fee agreement to beneficiaries specifying compensation at an hourly rate, and kept hourly time records with specific descriptions of work was nevertheless reduced by more than … Continue reading
Large transfers shortly before the death of the decedent into joint accounts with the decedent’s daughter, arranged by the daughter while the decedent was gravely ill, could not have been an intentional act of the decedent, and was the product … Continue reading
Administrator C.T.A. surcharged for disbursements from estate funds for expenses that appear to be for her own personal use, and for amounts paid to the estate of the decedent’s brother and his widow, but not for amounts paid for repairs … Continue reading
Objections to executor commission and legal fees denied when executor-lawyer who was one of three executors claimed commission of $70,000 and legal fees of $90,000 out of estate of almost $10 million. Keller Estate, 7 Fid.Rep.3d 90 (O.C. Montgomery Co. … Continue reading
Executor fee of $283,443.24 (2.45%) out of estate of $11.5 million, consisting almost entirely of cash, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, was approved because of the quality of work performed in liquidating assets and administering the estate. Naugle Estate, 6 … Continue reading
Orphans’ Court is unable to rule on objections to the $120,000 in fees paid to deceased lawyer-executor in the absence of evidence of time spent, services rendered, or hourly rates; son (also a lawyer) who had attempted to complete the … Continue reading
Executor commissions and attorney fees paid to deceased lawyer who did not complete administration of estate were reduced by fees paid to accountant, and further reduced from $121,000 (more than 5% of $1.16 million estate) to $44,000 to apply different … Continue reading
Executors surcharged for sale of estate property to a son of one executor, for expenses paid to the purchaser of the property for “cleanup” of the property 20 days before the sale, for distributions of automobiles contrary to the provisions … Continue reading