Judge Leonard B. Sokolove, who served for many years on the Orphans’ Court of Bucks County, died at his home on Monday, November 3. I had the honor of appearing before him on several occasions, and he was a man … Continue reading
Daniel Evans
Below are the comments I have submitted to the Pa. Disciplinary Board on the proposed change to Rule of Disciplinary Enforcement 217 that would require all “formerly admitted attorneys” to resign from all fiduciary positions, regardless of whether the lawyer … Continue reading
A petition to determine the ancestry of the petitioner, which the petitioner alleged was needed for an application for dual Italian and American citizenship, has been denied for lack of jurisdiction. In re Marino, 62 Ches. Co. L. Rep. 348, … Continue reading
It has only now come to our attention that amendments to Pennsylvania disciplinary rules were proposed in September, with a comment period ending November 3. The amendments are intended to reduce lawyer misappropriations from client funds and fiduciary funds in … Continue reading
On October 27, 2014, Governor Corbett signed SB 428, making it Act 186 of 2014. The act makes changes to 20 Pa.C.S. 7799.3, which deals with pooled trusts for people with disabilities. The most significant change is that, when a … Continue reading
Columbia and Montour Counties have published new local rules, including rules for Orphans’ Court Actions (accounts, auditors, adoptions, and appointments of guardians). Business of the Courts, Case No. 2014-MV-1, 44 Pa.B. 6750 (10/25/2014). … Continue reading
The Superior Court has affirmed a decree of the Philadelphia Orphans’ Court denying the validity of attempted appointments of a successor trustee (or, in the alternative, removing the successor trustee appointed) by the resigning trustee and by the settlor, and … Continue reading
The IRS has issued five identical private letter rulings, apparently to five different parties involved in the same transaction, confirming that a court-approved reformation of a trust in accordance with § 415 of the Uniform Trust Code would be respected … Continue reading
Both houses of the legislature have passed SB 428, which makes changes to Pennsylvania laws on pooled trusts for persons with disabilities. … Continue reading
A beneficiary’s court-ordered child support arrearage should be paid from the estate, notwithstanding the spendthift clause in the will, and the children’s mother had no standing to object to the administration of the estate or seek removal of the executor. … Continue reading