Trust May Be Modified to Allow Removal of Trustee

A trust may be modified under 20 Pa.C.S. § 7740.1(d) to allow the beneficiaries to remove and replace a corporate trustee without regard to the conditions for removing trustees under 20 Pa.C.S. § 7766Trust under Agreement of Edward Winslow Taylor124 A.3d 334, 2015 PA Super 199, No. 2701 EDA 2014 (9/18/2015), reversing and remanding,  Edward Winslow Taylor, Intervivos Trust, No. 3563IV of 1939 (O.C. Phila. 8/18/14), rearg. den. (Pa. Super. 11/25/15), app. pend., No. 15 EAP 2016 (Pa.).

See commentary here.

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