Official Inflation Adjustments for 2024

The Internal Revenue Service has released Rev. Proc. 2023-34, 2023-48 IRB ___ (11/24/2023), with inflation adjustments for 2023 and, consistent with earlier predictions (with two exceptions), the changes in the most significant federal estate and trust planning numbers will be as follows: The … Continue reading

Unofficial Inflation Adjustments for 2024

With the release of the Chained Consumer Price Index (C-CPI-U) for August 2023, it’s possible to calculate various inflation adjustments for 2024. The following are the significant federal estate planning numbers, with the numbers for 2023 shown in parentheses: The … Continue reading

Official Inflation Adjustments for 2023

The Internal Revenue Service has released Rev. Proc. 2022-38 with inflation adjustments for 2023 and, consistent with earlier predictions, the changes in the most significant federal estate and trust planning numbers will be as follows: The federal estate tax base applicable exclusion amount … Continue reading