Claim for Lifetime Transfer not Barred by Statute of Limitations or Res Judicata

Husband was alleged to have improperly converted assets held jointly with his wife into his own name before his death. An action by the estate of the deceased wife against the estate of the deceased husband was not barred by the statute of limitations when it was brought within two years of the discovery of the conversion by the executor of the wife’s estate. The action was also not barred by res judicata because the earlier dismissal of objections to the inventory of the husband’s estate was not a decision on the merits, the court stating that the attempt to recover the property transferred during lifetime had to proceed “in different forms.” Estate of Margaret C. Seeney v. Estate of Harold S. Seeney, 1267 EDA 2024 (Pa. Super. 1/30/2025) (non-precendential).

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