Proposed Rule Change for Notice by Successor Personal Representatives

The Orphans’ Court Procedural Rules Committee has proposed an amendment to Pa.O.C. Rule 10.5(a), regarding notice of estate administration, that would change “the personal representative to whom original letters have been granted” to “a personal representative to whom letters have been granted.” The Note to Rule 10.5 would be amended to state that the rule applies to a successor personal representative. According to the publication report of the committee, “Requiring successor personal representatives to notify the interested persons of the change in representative ensures the recipients are aware of the change and know to whom they should look for information going forward.” “Proposed Amendment of Rule 10.5 of the Pennsylvania Orphans’ Court Rules,” 51 Pa.B. 1651 (3/27/2021).

Comments may be submitted to by May 7, 2021.

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