As previously reported, the IRS has published final regulations on the expenses of estates and trusts that are subject to the 2% floor for miscellaneous itemized deductions. T.D. 9664, 79 F.R. 26616 (5/9/2014) These final regulations require estates and trusts … Continue reading
Daniel Evans
House Bill 1429, which makes a number of changes to the form and effect of powers of attorney, was signed by Governor Corbett on July 2, becoming Act 95 of 2014. The more important changes made by Act 95 include new requirements for witnesses and notarized acknowledgements, changes to the notice to the principal and the required acknowledgements by agents, new limits on the liability of third parties in order to reverse the reasoning of the Supreme Court in the Vine decision, new limits on the power of agents to make gifts and other estate planning actions, and a revision and restatement of the duties and liabilities of agents.
Continue readingPennsylvania H.B. 1429, which makes a number of changes to the form and effect of powers of attorney, was signed by Governor Corbett on July 2, becoming Act 95 of 2014. Updated on July 10: Here is the first installment … Continue reading
Lehigh County has adopted new local Orphans’ Court rules, generally effective 5/15/2014. Orphans’ Court Rules, File No. AO 2014-0002 (3/20/2014), 44 Pa.B. 2201 (4/12/2014). … Continue reading
Lehigh County has adopted a new fee schedule for the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court, effective 5/1/2014. Clerk of Orphans’ Court Division; Fee Schedule, File No. AO2014-0001 (3/19/2014), 44 Pa.B. 2054 (4/5/2014). … Continue reading
Effective April 1, 2014, self-made photocopies in the offices of the Butler Co. Register of Wills and Clerk of Orphans’ Court will be $.50 each. Register of Wills and Clerk of Orphans’ Court Schedule of Fees and Costs, OC No. … Continue reading
Bucks County has amended its fee schedules to include convenience fees for credit card transactions. Fees of Clerk of Orphans’ Court Division, Administrative Order No. 66, 44 Pa.B. 17 (1/4/2014); Fees of Register of Wills, Administrative Order No. 67, 44 … Continue reading
Lycoming County has amended Rule L3.4 to require the use of a cover sheet for every petition, motion, exception, stipulation, or other request for an order or relief. Amendments to the Orphans’ Court Rules, Doc. No. 13-03016, 44 Pa.B. … Continue reading
Mercer County has entered three administrative orders: 1. Administrative Order No. 1, Register’s No. 2013-767, 44 Pa.B. 24 (1/4/2014), directs the Register of Wills to notify judges each year whether or not the annual reports of guardians required by 20 … Continue reading
For the past several years, many tax practitioners have been adding a form of disclaimer to every email because of concerns about the “covered opinion” rules of Circular 230. On June 9, the Treasury published final regulations amending Circular 230 … Continue reading