JCP Fees Renewed

The Pennsylvania legislature has passed, and Governor Shapiro has signed into law, a renewed section 2802-E of the Administrative Code of 1929, Act of April 9, 1929, P.L. 177, No. 175, to reimpose the “JCP” temporary surcharges of $10.00 and $11.25 that had expired on July 31, 2023. See, Act of November 1, 2023, No. 22,

The new section appears to be effective immediately (meaning as of the date of enactment, November 1, 2023), and will expire July 31, 2025. The total JCP fees will therefore return to $40.25, which was the same total that had been in force before the previous surcharges had expired.

See “JCP Fee Expired in Part” for additional information on the history of these fees.

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