A marriage certificate is required to show the date of the marriage but not the time, the marriage ceremony does not need to take place in the same county that issued the marriage license as long is it occurs in Pennsylvania, and no particular words are required for a marriage as long as the parties express a present agreement to be married. Because the judgment of the trial court that there was no valid marriage was based on errors of law and was not supported by the record, and because there was conflicting testimony from the husband, wife, and officiant about whether there was a marriage ceremony and when it took place but the trial judge failed to make any determinations as to the credibility of the witnesses, the judgment was reversed and remanded for a determination of whether the parties had in fact exchanged marital vows in Pennsylvania. Eggleston v. Eggleston, 704 & 706 WDA 2024 (Pa. Super. 10/14/2025) (non-precedential).