Spendthrift Clause must Prohibit Assignments to be Effective

Language in trust document regarding creditors of beneficiaries did not restrain voluntary assignments of beneficial interests and so was not a valid spendthrift clause.  Further, even a valid spendthrift clause would not have prevented the beneficiary from assigning distributions as they became payable, and the assignee was entitled to the distributions until the beneficiary revoked the assignment.  Lipowitz Trust, 5 Fid.Rep.3d 351 (O.C. Montg. 2015) (opinion by Murphy, J.).

Testamentary iPhone?

The Supreme Court of Queensland, Australia, has admitted to probate a document written on a iPhone before the owner committed suicide, finding that the document exists, states the testamentary intentions of the deceased, and was intended to be the decedent’s will.  Re: Yu, 2013 QSC 322, No. BS10313 of 2013 (11/6/2013).

Legal Fees for Breach of Prenuptial Agreement

Surviving spouse who unsuccessfully attempted to elect against the decedent’s will and who took other actions to challenge the validity of a prenuptial agreement ordered to pay reasonable legal fees to the estate in accordance with the prenuptial agreement, and conveyances by the surviving spouse to her second husband found to be void under the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act.  Miller Estate, 5 Fid.Rep.3d 319 (O.C. Carbon Co. 2015).

Budget Proposals for 2016

According to a report of the Joint Committee on Taxation, President Obama’s fiscal year 2016 budget includes the following measures affecting estates and trusts:

  • Restore the estate, gift, and generation-skipping exclusions and rates in effect in 2009 (i.e., $3,500,000 estate tax exclusion, $1,000,000 gift tax exclusion, and top tax rate of 45%).  This has been proposed every year since 2010.
  • For grantor retained annuity trusts (GRATs), the budget proposes that (a) GRATs have a minimum term of 10 years, (b) the remainder have a minimum value of either 25% of the initial funding or $500,000, whichever is less, and (c) grantors be prohibited from engaging in tax-free exchanges with the trust.  The first proposal has been made before, but the other two are new.
  • Limit the duration of generation-skipping tax exemption, which has been proposed before.
  • Limit the total amounts of gifts qualifying for the annual exclusion to $50,000, which has been proposed before.

Termination of Parental Rights Not in Best Interests of Child

It was not an abuse of discretion for the Orphans’ Court to deny termination of mother’s parental rights when mother had maintained contact with child while in foster care and had made some progress in maintaining emotional stability, and there was evidence that child still cared for and wished to live with mother, so that court could conclude that termination of parental rights was not in the best interests of the child.  In re: Adoption of G.L.L., 2015 PA Super 200 (9/21/2015).