Standing and Disinheritance

Petitioner was the daughter of the settlor of an irrevocable trust but lacked standing to petition for an account because she was not a beneficiary once the settlor exercised her power of appointment over the trust.  Simon Trust, 3 Fid. Rep. 3d 1 (O.C. Berks 2012) (Opinion by Schmehl, J.)


Undue Influence and Lack of Testamentary Capacity

Decedent died several weeks after executing a new will that disinherited natural son and deceased daughter in favor of step-son, and the will was probated.  In an appeal from probate alleging lack of testamentary capacity and undue influence, the court held that decedent was cognitively able to execute will and unable to be unduly influenced.  Cavanaugh Estate, 2 Fid. Rep. 3d 488 (O.C. Monroe 2012) (Opinion by Williamson, J.)


Priority of Claims of Creditors

Two unpaid law firms petitioned to have claims paid above Federal and state claims, and the petition was denied, because debts and creditors are fixed in position at date of death, and without judgment lien filed prior to death, creditors are ranked according to PEF §3392Lampley Estate, 2 Fid. Rep. 3d 481 (O.C. Chester 2012) (Opinion by Hall, J.)


Prenuptial Agreement and Dead Man’s Rule

Prenuptial agreement and probated will upheld in declaratory judgment against widow’s claim of modification of prenuptial agreement, because widow did not prove modification through clear and convincing evidence and she is barred from testifying because of Dead Man’s Rule.  Tuscano Estate, 2 Fid. Rep. 3d 473 (O.C. Bucks 2012) (Opinion by Fritsch, Adm. J.)